Am I going crazy(Act 8.1.2 Armor Up Parry Path)

In Act 8, chapter 1, quest 2, there's a path that basically requires you to use tech champs. You need to parry with certain champs because otherwise you'll take severe damage from damage over time based debuffs.
To prevent this damage, you parry and gain the armor up buff. On the other hand, the opponent gains an unblockable buff. Fair, very manageable. However, sometimes the armor up buff doesn't trigger when parrying, but the unblockable buff does. This wouldn't be a problem but without the armor up, the dots kill you basically after hitting a few times, even with Ghost who I was using.
Now, I don't know if Ghost has some kind of ability that negates the armor up buff on the path, but whatever the case, sometimes the armor up buff just doesn't trigger.
Am I the only one who experiences this?
In Act 8, chapter 1, quest 2, there's a path that basically requires you to use tech champs. You need to parry with certain champs because otherwise you'll take severe damage from damage over time based debuffs.
To prevent this damage, you parry and gain the armor up buff. On the other hand, the opponent gains an unblockable buff. Fair, very manageable. However, sometimes the armor up buff doesn't trigger when parrying, but the unblockable buff does. This wouldn't be a problem but without the armor up, the dots kill you basically after hitting a few times, even with Ghost who I was using.
Now, I don't know if Ghost has some kind of ability that negates the armor up buff on the path, but whatever the case, sometimes the armor up buff just doesn't trigger.
Am I the only one who experiences this?