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MCOC Cartoon/Anime

Wouldn't it be cool if Marvel and Kabam did a Cartoon of MCOC? Probably an Anime dubbed one. Kind of like Akedo Ultimate Warriors, but darker and cooler. Your the Summoner struggling to win, to get uncollected, but the gods that be (Kabam who controls the Realm/game) refuse to let him/her. They fight, struggle, lose, and win. Only to be set back time and time again. Using strategy, good gameplay they advance. Only to be confronted with ingame bugs, lagging, and game input issues. Haven't thought about every detail, but if you think about it?? Most of the games we play is based on some Cartoon we've seen/watched or a comic we read and kept up with. Wait a minute! We all didn't keep up with Anime. I didn't have Internet growing uP. But, Now I do, cartoons, the darker side of Anime, is way COOLER. Go ahead laugh! The Batman..A.K.A Dark Knight was a darkly drawn Cartoon. Not Anime, but still dark. And we all watched and loved it. That is until the powers that be....Squashed it. Along several other Cartoons.
Now we have Pee-At-Best Cartoons. That is unless you have Cable/Satellite. But, Your still choked with Bubblegum Cartoons. Only Those on Roku/Fire, or maybe some other system, can see the darker/kickass Cartoons. Cartoons shouldn't always teach. Sometimes they need to just be Cartoons. Why should I change who I am for you? Cartoons need to say and act the same way. Their fantasy and fiction. Our parents, at least mine, didn't read books that I read growing up. If they had of, we would have had a lot more Banned books. Case in point (Trilogy of the Dark Knight)(The Wheel of Time)(Ann Rice)(Dean Koontz) and (Stephen King). Not to mention others. They see and get all crazy! Unless they read they stay STUPID!
By the way I have Grey Hairs, and 2 kids. A boy and girl. And I don't plan to put them in a Bubble. Just got to get past Grandma on stuff. Like phones, tablets, games, tv....and such. She doesn't understand or want to.


  • Options
    FrostGiantLordFrostGiantLord Posts: 1,817 ★★★★
    We need someone to actually make a cartoon like this. I want the summoner to fight the all powerful Kabam CEO as the final boss lol
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    Marvelfan30Marvelfan30 Posts: 1,169 ★★★★
    Movie would probably crash halfway through
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