Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
Currently, Annihilus has their Signature ability erroneously set to 1 - it should be 0.

The team will be fixing this issue ASAP.

Thank you for your patience.

The price of invulnerability boost

I would like to address the issue of the cost of AW boosts (in units) which is currently extremely high

At the moment everyone can purchase the following AW boosts on a weekly basis for 10k loyalty per boost (3 of each) - same price for all:
Combat regeneration
Advanced power boost

However the cost of additional boosts (for units) is not equal and one of them costs 3x more than the cheapest one:
Combat regeneration 125
Advanced power boost 250
Invulnerability 375

The cost of invulnerability boost is extremely high. Members of competitive war alliances have to buy it with units sometimes on top of the ones purchased for loyalty and the price makes it impossible to get

If the price of getting invulnerability boost for units gets too high people just quit alliances, quit wars and as a result they stop spending on ANY boosts at all as well as offers, new champions and everything else they used to spend on to keep up with a competitive alliance

!! Consider making the cost of invulnerability boost lower - same as combat regeneration boost, about 125 units

If the unit price is more affordable more people will actually buy it, and the overall spending on this boost will only increase

Why is it needed?

To keep people playing competitive wars

!! Do note that war focused alliances spend a lot on the game: getting boost packs, new champions (=offers), catalyst deals to rank up those champions

Invulnerability boost not only helps members in a competitive AW alliance play better but also lets players not get disheartened by deaths in war and quit the game / quit wars or get replaced and end up in a lower level alliance.
If players go to a lower level alliance everything they invested in the game (offers) will be reviewed and probably cut

TL; DR: the price of invulnerability boost is making some people quit competitive. Please look into lowering its unit price by at least half (125 units)


  • Options
    FrostGiantLordFrostGiantLord Posts: 1,817 ★★★★
    I normally just buy the invulnerability boost with loyalty. I have currently saved 3 million loyalty
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