Battlegrounds bug -- Match results in a LOSS after first round victory victory

Asim38Asim38 Member Posts: 197 ★★
I was in a Battlegrounds match last night. Won the first round. After completing the second round I was waiting on the results screen. Then got the match ending message. I expected a win. There was a lag that showed the previous match results again. Went back in to see if I got promoted. Got the results of the last round which showed a loss! The medal dropped and missed my promotion to the next level.

Attaching pictures of the win/loss record showing that was the last fight, the first round result to prove I won the first round, and the result of the fight to show only 1 round took place that shows I won the first round as well as the medal count dropping to 1. Medal count dropping to 1 validates that, if the results were proper, I should be promoted to the next level which leaves a sour taste in the mouth.

My guess is that at some point a connection loss occurred during the fight and re-established itself which I can understand. I would suggest that these situations should not result in a loss for the person who won the first round as a work around until a proper fix is discovered.
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