The game experienced a brief connectivity issue this morning. The team promptly fixed the issue and things are back to normal, thank you to everyone who passed along reports!

"You have received 400 units from the collector"

NinjAlanNinjAlan Member Posts: 358 ★★★
Just got that exciting notification! Imagine my disappointment when I logged in and there's nothing there, what gives?


  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,269
    It seems that you have at one point logged into a different account on your device. Try logging into any side accounts you may have, or you may have accidentally started a new account a while ago, and then immediately logged into your regular one.
  • NinjAlanNinjAlan Member Posts: 358 ★★★
    I do have more than one account, none of them have said units
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