Slow Debuff not working for Quicksilver

Device and Version: iPhone 13 Pro
Device Operating System: iOS 16.2
Mobile Carrier: Verizon
Cellular or WiFi: WiFi
Game Version Installed: V 38.0
Game Mode: Story Quests.
Champions Affected: I have only noticed while playing with my 6* R4 Max Sig 200 Quicksilver.
Active Boosts: none
Description of the Issue: When using Quicksilver, his abilities say that after 300 charges, he gains a Slow debuff. I was using QS on Act 7.3.3 Mix Master lane when I discovered this. The Slow debuff shows on the icon, however, the defender is still able to evade. For the purposes of this bug analysis, I wanted to duel Ultron, since he evades a lot, and sure enough, Ultron still evades even with 300+ charges on QS. I have attached screenshots showing this

Device Operating System: iOS 16.2
Mobile Carrier: Verizon
Cellular or WiFi: WiFi
Game Version Installed: V 38.0
Game Mode: Story Quests.
Champions Affected: I have only noticed while playing with my 6* R4 Max Sig 200 Quicksilver.
Active Boosts: none
Description of the Issue: When using Quicksilver, his abilities say that after 300 charges, he gains a Slow debuff. I was using QS on Act 7.3.3 Mix Master lane when I discovered this. The Slow debuff shows on the icon, however, the defender is still able to evade. For the purposes of this bug analysis, I wanted to duel Ultron, since he evades a lot, and sure enough, Ultron still evades even with 300+ charges on QS. I have attached screenshots showing this

So unless we have She Hulk or SpiderGwen ranked up, we are screwed.
Another nicely done side quest and objective design from the Kabam team.
Fun fun fun.