Bg matchmaking nightmare

I know I’m beating a dead horse but is kabam going to do anything different with battleground matchmaking? It’s hard not to get frustrated when I’m matching a similar account 1/10 times, and most opponents have 2-3.5k more prestige than me and a way more developed entire deck.
I’ve never had a problem getting to gc with matchmaking until this season, and It’s actually comical how easy the first few fights are once I reached gc in the past.
I thought they fixed matchmaking so the whale accounts can’t beat on smaller ones, but that’s not happening in my experience.
I’ve never had a problem getting to gc with matchmaking until this season, and It’s actually comical how easy the first few fights are once I reached gc in the past.
I thought they fixed matchmaking so the whale accounts can’t beat on smaller ones, but that’s not happening in my experience.
Post edited by Kabam Spice on
Oh and kabam decided to add a little spice in this match and auto lose me before entering the fight. Very fun very cool
Like Progression title,
-eg thronebreaker vs thronebreaker.
Ranks and Rarity of their top 30 champions,
15x 6star 3/45
2x 6star 4/55
3x 6star 2/35
10x 5 star 5/56
Account age
3yr old thronebreaker vs 3 yr old thronebreaker
I know it can take longer to match.
But they can also set two match making modes
- First 'Progression based Queue'
- where matchmaking follows a system to match players of similar progression.
- Second 'Open Queue'
It gives both progressing player and top End game players a challenge they can complete without having to waste time.where you match up with whoever is available and so you dont have to wait.
Such a system in very common in First person shooter games like Counterstrike, Valorant, PUBG, COD, Apex Legends and others.
I hope there will be smoother experience in next season without bugs and refined matchmaking.
This is a game based on champs, ranks, signature lvl...why should lower accounts get easy matches to climb up in a competition?
The only solution would be to have another battle ground like in arenas for lower accounts for lower prizes..
Its feels like handing them wins, when one cant compete in.
Would you prefer only end game accounts competing in BGs and lesser number of progressing players participating in them?
I hope not.
My idea was to refine matchmaking in way that encourages more players to participate in.
Comparison to fps games was to show a better matchmaking system where lower accounts can compete with players of similar progression not the kind of gameplay they have.
Progression based matchmaking seems a better matchmaking system. Today a thronebreaker with no rank 4 6stars can get matched against fully stacked roster of rank 4 6stars. Clearly it needs a rework/refinement.
And why would we not prefer to have a higher account competition?.. Arenas are the same.. u got a baby arena with baby prices and then the 6* feat and Basic with point modifiers and "better rewards" (not really that much better but still)...
They should have done BGs only for TB+... Cavs and UC should spend their energy and units progressing not buying every single shard in the BG store...
BGs do have different rewards in store for different progressions.
And the moment it is the only game mode thats close to a pvp experience, I dont want it to be restrictive.
I'm glad you want to get to the nfl playoffs (GC) by playing peewee teams, but it shouldn't work that way. If you want to play other peewee teams, enjoy your 4 or 5* shard rewards.
I am horrible and want to play the best and worst in the tier I am in. Silver2, right now I believe. That's other algorithms. .The only issue then is the few pricks that win 2 and lose 2 to not go up and just get 48 hour objectives until near end of the season.
Account size is horrible also, punished for raising all those 2 to 4 stars or a huge stack of 6r1....yeah that makes sense.
Lets imagine u got a dollar.. and u know the store closest to you sells a can of coke for 1 dollar.. and the one 3 blocks away sells 2 for 1 dollar... Well the dollar u had didn't lose any value...its your choice to decide how to spend it