5 years of MCOC - how i got passed burnt out boredom

I left the game many times.
But i found a different way to enjoy the game.
As a f2p i never wanted to rank up 6 stars.
Or be thronebreaker.
After cavilier i felt burnt out and bored.
Left the game.
Came back a year later.
Joined a retired alliance.
They encouraged me to go for TB and told me to try to rank up 6 stars.
So this is what i came up with.
I will rank only those 6 stars that i dont own as maxed out 5 star.
** I believe this was a vey good self challange. I enjoy the idea of new out of usual play style and rank ups.
This is my 5 star roseter.

5 years of mcoc.
I also own almost every OP champ as 5 stars.
But i stopped ranking 5 stars as soon as i decided to rank up 6 stars.
So far
This is my 6 star roster rank 3 and rank 2

Last week i pulled domino for the first time since i used her back in act 4 as a 4 star champion.
If you ever feel burn out i belive its mostly bcz you have every champ and too much resource. Hence you dont feel the kick anymore. Content can be taken down using units too. That doesn't improve one's skill either. Take a break and come back and
Make your 4, 5, 6 star roster different from each other. Trust me. It gives you a self challange and excitement and versatile yet efficient feeling.
But i found a different way to enjoy the game.
As a f2p i never wanted to rank up 6 stars.
Or be thronebreaker.
After cavilier i felt burnt out and bored.
Left the game.
Came back a year later.
Joined a retired alliance.
They encouraged me to go for TB and told me to try to rank up 6 stars.
So this is what i came up with.
I will rank only those 6 stars that i dont own as maxed out 5 star.
** I believe this was a vey good self challange. I enjoy the idea of new out of usual play style and rank ups.
This is my 5 star roseter.

5 years of mcoc.
I also own almost every OP champ as 5 stars.
But i stopped ranking 5 stars as soon as i decided to rank up 6 stars.
So far
This is my 6 star roster rank 3 and rank 2

Last week i pulled domino for the first time since i used her back in act 4 as a 4 star champion.
If you ever feel burn out i belive its mostly bcz you have every champ and too much resource. Hence you dont feel the kick anymore. Content can be taken down using units too. That doesn't improve one's skill either. Take a break and come back and
Make your 4, 5, 6 star roster different from each other. Trust me. It gives you a self challange and excitement and versatile yet efficient feeling.
Plus, and this is the eternal caveat, if it's a character you like. I have a maxed 4* and 5* Starky, but that didn't stop him being my first R4 6*. It's a game and while hitting your targets is important, you need to be having fun too.
The Ascension mechanic may play into this too - we don't know yet though. Will be interesting to see.
Doesn't matter how good a champ is if i own that champ as maxed out 5 star..
Not going to rank them up as 6 star.
So for me. Imagine pulling a CGR or doom as 6 star would be a bad pull 😅
Sorry. But this is exciting approach.. and so far m loving this.
P.s. you can also see i have 1 champ from each class.
That is my way of rank up.
Yes. My next would be a tech and skill 6 star.
And i have choosen
Black widow DO
Make your 5 and 6 star roster different.
And also have 1 chamo from each class.
This will make things soo interesting.
You will come to appreciate useful champs that you usually dont use.