Who should I awaken ? 6 star cosmic

bigDATAbigDATA Member Posts: 1
edited February 2023 in Strategy and Tips
Hello everyone I currently have an 6 star cosmic gem sitting around and I'm planning on ranking up the champ to R4 here are the options

The Champion
Cap Marvel
Venom pool

I only have a r3 awakened knull and I can't decide who would have the most impact out of these.
I don't have Hercules and I'm tired of waiting for him either , I know he's really strong but I really need a R4 cosmic champion for my account.
I am a casual player I enjoy the game slowly without going for hardcore push.
Post edited by Kabam Valkyrie on


  • Black_wid0wBlack_wid0w Member Posts: 32
    The champion is a beast if awakened ( against final champion normal fights he's average damage output ( on final fights also) but don't heal
  • QazzyQazzy Member Posts: 68
    keep that gem for herc.
  • daveyj_196_daveyj_196_ Member Posts: 437
    I stuck it straight in cgr and then took him to r4. I am not disappointed. You could be waiting years to get this mythical champion called Herc, a case in point, it took me 5 years to get a 5* Hyperion
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