Who should I bring for EOP robots w/ Hercules

YcatsYcats Member Posts: 146 ★★
edited March 2023 in Strategy and Tips


  • MoosetiptronicMoosetiptronic Member Posts: 2,147 ★★★★
    Dragon man, Ultron +1 other after the swap node.

    Any two plus herc for before. Take the right lane, herc for the first 4 fights. My guess is you'll use Ultron for everyone except Icarus, who you'll use dragon man for.

    Why Ultron? He gets the most value from revives and all of them can bleed.
  • Gildarts99Gildarts99 Member Posts: 378 ★★
    nerhh dragon man for kraven and ikarus and I will rank up and take nebula along if I were you.
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