Awaken Spark?

Recently pulled the 4★ version. Obviously he's one of the best champs in the game but is he worth awakening? I have 2 generic gems I'm sitting on presently (along with class specific gems for skill, mutant, cosmic and mystic). I pretty much look at these generics as tech gems and can't imagine what else I'd use them on.
That's a really good question.
There's the Black Panther movie. Shuri has those gauntlet things in the trailer so she might be tech. Same with Klaue with his prosthetic (doesn't look like they're going full sonic entity with him in the movies). Whether they'd actually be any good is another matter. In general it seems champs like Spark only come around every once in a while.
I would expect Killmonger and maybe M'Baku to be skill. Unless they go some kind of mystic or science route there.
For Infinity War, any new champs will be cosmic most likely.
Anything for Ant-Man would most likely (hopefully) be science.
My personal opinion is not to use them unless absolutely necessary. Example being dire need of prestige or otherwise undupeable champ like kang.
Spark 4* r5 undupe is still incredible. I can take an r5 4* in arena in 4 hits with 8 poise charges. Crit hits are insane.