An open letter to Kabam

Your "tracker" platform has zero details about last updates on issues, so literally no idea if the amber alert on input issues is from 2021 when you were sending out compensation and making the light amber is an attempt to get players off your back because "we're working really hard, look, it's amber". Other problems rather than having a timeline of "this is a problem" to "fixed" again, give no details on how long things have taken, and your top priorities board is literally full of "fixed" items with the exception of input issues. I don't understand why you'd still prioritise things that are allegedly resolved?
Since the last update dropped I've basically put the game down, I run AQ and eat combos every round with dropped inputs on the vast majority of fights, Map 4 for reference. It doesn't matter who is being fought, I still wind up regularly needing to revive because there's only so many full combos you can eat. I'm in a retired alliance as running the same 10 - 15 fights a day is boring, so why make it difficult and boring was my thinking.
I've tried playing BG but gave up after crashing and instead have resorted to running 4*s and giving others easy Ws. The game mode was challenging when it worked and kind of fun, but with input issues, AI that can be hitting you before they're stood up after specials, and connection problems, there's just no point stressing about it.
I've tried running EQ but with the expanded health pools from last month and the complete lack of consistency in a control scheme or AI reaction time it's roulette if I finish each fight never mind a full run through of EQ, so again, this gets put down to one side.
This isn't a single animation that seems to be speeding up that I'm noticing, but I can MLLLM and or MLLLL and randomly eat a combo half way through. I'll try and parry then eat a combo, I try and dex and my champ will either through a heavy or light attack (using left thumb to swipe) or idle entirely before, you guessed it, eating a combo when I use my right thumb.
I appreciate, I'm not running the newest of phones, OnePlus 7t. It doesn't matter if I use WiFi or mobile data, doesn't matter what time of day I play, or if I've not used my phone at all for hours before picking up the game for fights.
All month long you've had reports from people, all month long they get closed and you ask people to fill out the thread for iOS or Android which doesn't ever appear to get any feedback. Your tracker website again, doesn't add any information from this by the looks of it, doesn't take anything into account, it's just an amber priority. People often joked in the past about your player base being play testers, but if we are you're really great at ignoring the feedback.
Then there's an issue with you receiving payments, better roll out the forum banner! We know we're making less money due to this issue so we're making it a priority.
Finally, but no less thoughtfully; the update to your naming schemes in EQ and the associated bump in health pools and damage that go alongside them. Can I check if during the consultancy you removed all those who had done the higher tiers of EQ from the figures, i.e. Thronebreaker data only gets used for TB EQ feedback, or maybe the tier below, or did you literally just take the average from champions being used in each EQ and leave it at that? Because it feels an awful lot like the latter happened and those with new accounts are being punished with much longer and harder fights than they'll see in story content whilst higher accounts are only being prevented from auto fighting fit for units, and are instead being bored by 30-90 hit fights in the first quests of their own difficulties.
Anyway, that's my two cents, I look forward to this thread being closed and asked to post in the Android thread so I'm easier to ignore
Since the last update dropped I've basically put the game down, I run AQ and eat combos every round with dropped inputs on the vast majority of fights, Map 4 for reference. It doesn't matter who is being fought, I still wind up regularly needing to revive because there's only so many full combos you can eat. I'm in a retired alliance as running the same 10 - 15 fights a day is boring, so why make it difficult and boring was my thinking.
I've tried playing BG but gave up after crashing and instead have resorted to running 4*s and giving others easy Ws. The game mode was challenging when it worked and kind of fun, but with input issues, AI that can be hitting you before they're stood up after specials, and connection problems, there's just no point stressing about it.
I've tried running EQ but with the expanded health pools from last month and the complete lack of consistency in a control scheme or AI reaction time it's roulette if I finish each fight never mind a full run through of EQ, so again, this gets put down to one side.
This isn't a single animation that seems to be speeding up that I'm noticing, but I can MLLLM and or MLLLL and randomly eat a combo half way through. I'll try and parry then eat a combo, I try and dex and my champ will either through a heavy or light attack (using left thumb to swipe) or idle entirely before, you guessed it, eating a combo when I use my right thumb.
I appreciate, I'm not running the newest of phones, OnePlus 7t. It doesn't matter if I use WiFi or mobile data, doesn't matter what time of day I play, or if I've not used my phone at all for hours before picking up the game for fights.
All month long you've had reports from people, all month long they get closed and you ask people to fill out the thread for iOS or Android which doesn't ever appear to get any feedback. Your tracker website again, doesn't add any information from this by the looks of it, doesn't take anything into account, it's just an amber priority. People often joked in the past about your player base being play testers, but if we are you're really great at ignoring the feedback.
Then there's an issue with you receiving payments, better roll out the forum banner! We know we're making less money due to this issue so we're making it a priority.
Finally, but no less thoughtfully; the update to your naming schemes in EQ and the associated bump in health pools and damage that go alongside them. Can I check if during the consultancy you removed all those who had done the higher tiers of EQ from the figures, i.e. Thronebreaker data only gets used for TB EQ feedback, or maybe the tier below, or did you literally just take the average from champions being used in each EQ and leave it at that? Because it feels an awful lot like the latter happened and those with new accounts are being punished with much longer and harder fights than they'll see in story content whilst higher accounts are only being prevented from auto fighting fit for units, and are instead being bored by 30-90 hit fights in the first quests of their own difficulties.
Anyway, that's my two cents, I look forward to this thread being closed and asked to post in the Android thread so I'm easier to ignore