I have absolutely fallen in love with CGR

In my eternal Quest to get Hercules(who I still haven't gotten btw) I landed a CGR in one of my Cosmic Abyss Nexus Selectors not sure where it was from but it was before the Paragon holiday gifts.
At that point my best cosmic champs were R3 Corvus, R3 Medusa and my R4 unawakened Knull(who btw was bugged so that if I play him my screen would freeze).
I had a cosmic R4 gem to get paragon and so I had to choose knull back then between these 3.
Now I really wanted to get Herc, but I wouldn't have minded CGR.
When I got him I wasn't going bonkers over him I knew he was broken good but I really wanted Herc.
Galan came in the featured and I tried really hard to get him and after a long struggle with RNG I got galan
Both my CGR and Galan were now R3 and I was about R4 someone
but since CGR could solo most of the EOP fights and I needed a path clearer like Herc I decided I will just have to R4 CGR over Galan for now.
I have done all my EOP objectives and I now love CGR so much. Its not just even EOP. In AQ I always add him and use the aptitude powergain boost and he makes AQ less of a chore and then in war just today I got sick kills on a hulkling on node 54 and gorr on boss tier.
His damnation on 5 judgements make such an unique cosmic champion (sometimes I kinda wish the MD mastery would give him powerback lmao)
if anyone is interested you can check out the hulkling fight its basically a 30second fight in a t2 war lmao
Didn't post the gorr boss solo as it was messy at start.
All in all I am glad I ranked up CGR over Galan and I will probably rank 5 him over other cosmics as well. He definitely deserves it!
At that point my best cosmic champs were R3 Corvus, R3 Medusa and my R4 unawakened Knull(who btw was bugged so that if I play him my screen would freeze).
I had a cosmic R4 gem to get paragon and so I had to choose knull back then between these 3.
Now I really wanted to get Herc, but I wouldn't have minded CGR.
When I got him I wasn't going bonkers over him I knew he was broken good but I really wanted Herc.
Galan came in the featured and I tried really hard to get him and after a long struggle with RNG I got galan
Both my CGR and Galan were now R3 and I was about R4 someone
but since CGR could solo most of the EOP fights and I needed a path clearer like Herc I decided I will just have to R4 CGR over Galan for now.
I have done all my EOP objectives and I now love CGR so much. Its not just even EOP. In AQ I always add him and use the aptitude powergain boost and he makes AQ less of a chore and then in war just today I got sick kills on a hulkling on node 54 and gorr on boss tier.
His damnation on 5 judgements make such an unique cosmic champion (sometimes I kinda wish the MD mastery would give him powerback lmao)
if anyone is interested you can check out the hulkling fight its basically a 30second fight in a t2 war lmao

Didn't post the gorr boss solo as it was messy at start.
All in all I am glad I ranked up CGR over Galan and I will probably rank 5 him over other cosmics as well. He definitely deserves it!