Fight Club *cough cough revive farming*

SquirrelguySquirrelguy Member Posts: 2,654 ★★★★★
edited March 2023 in General Discussion
TLDR: look at the graphs and read the assumptions.

So, with a general disclaimer at the beginning, this is all open information that I can guarantee you Kabam is aware about and actually programmed into their game. If they somehow missed it, we have bigger problems on our hands than just a few revives that we can get elsewhere, and it isn't at all gamebreaking (like the infinite energy drops that were corrected at one point). That being said, if you want to blissfully ignore strategy and a legit method that Kabam has built into the game for reasonable effort to produce reasonable rewards, then just skip this discussion. If you think that this is some sort of easter egg that players should have to find for themselves or otherwise want to gatekeep and not let on to other players that this exists, I will politely ask you to play through abyss with a 1* Iron Man. This community isn't a closed community, and I like people having interesting/useful information accessible to themselves with minimal effort. We help each other out.

Part two of my long-winded Ted Talk is about the *F2P* (free to play) experience. Now, purists may argue that since I spent $10 on my account 5-7 years ago, I am not a F2P player, but I guarantee you that the Black Panther Civil War dupe that I ended up getting with those revives has greatly impacted my account and those people are totally right. What a hypocrite I am. Anyways, as someone who for all intents and purposes does not hate himself (and plays a max of like 5 arena matches every week if not less), there are really not a lot of ways to accumulate units or revives in an appreciable manner to take on content like EOP/Carina's Challenges 3 in the slightly more casual manner that I prefer. If I can do so with my dog jumping around on my lap and with Psych on in the background instead of holed up in some quiet room by myself, then I would prefer it that way. Does it cost me 20-40% more revives on average? Probably, but the experience is far better. That being said, without some sort of revive farming method, it would take me quite a long time to save up the ~60 revives that I like to have on hand when running through tougher content. I'd far rather autofight quests for a week or so than pay $20(? I really should know more about unit costs), but that's just me.

Enter the two low-effort and reasonable reward methods that I will be comparing today: Story Content parts 2.1.5 and 3.2.6. I know there are other places, and 5.3.6 or one of those has some pretty solid drop rates on full energy refills and revives, but as far as I know, that still takes a decent amount of energy and you can't autofight it. 2.1.5 is just one energy per tile (23 energy total for each path), 3.2.6 is two energy per tile (42 energy total per path), and both can be fully completed with relatively low ranked champs on autofight (but I always use 6*s because they get better points for things like Hero Use). 2.1.5 has three immediately diverging paths and no teleportation nodes that cause you to choose a path, while 3.2.6 has six separate paths that take longer to view (to see what rewards are available) and then also have to be selected via a teleportation node that requires several selections and screens. Personally, 2.1.5 is less mental energy, and typically if multiple rewards spawn that are worth retrieving then they have a higher liklihood of being on the same path, assuming an equal distribution among all the drop points (seems to fit actual testing, but who knows).

My data so far is as follows, with the assumptions outlined after.

  • You will always choose the right path and will totally not get sidetracked by work or a movie and choose the wrong one.
  • If there are two drops on separate paths, you always go down the shortest path first, then quit out and start over on the path with the fathest reward.
  • It is fairly common for two drops to be on the same path, but for ease of tabulation, I always assumed that you had to go down one path per drop.
  • If you have to go down multiple paths, I averaged out the drop to the median (rounding down) energy distance of a path, then added that to the energy cost for a full path (for those with three, I did two half-paths and a full).
  • I did not add small energy refills to my counts for 3.2.6, or in either chapter when it was a lesser reward on a path, so that could slightly tweak things, but only for the better. It doesn't even make a huge dent in the data for 2.1.5 but I figured it couldn't hurt to record.
  • In the "basic cost" section, I am calculating the cost if you only use energy from full refills bought for 30 units. Obviously this is not the only way to get energy, so just chill with the "I get my units for free" comments. This is just a helpful equivalance that you can take or leave. The average energy per revive is probably the most helpful stat.
  • I tend to err upwards, so these are probably slightly higher than actual costs (in terms of units or energy), but can give a decent approximation and baseline for you to decide for yourself.
  • EDIT: this is also assuming your full energy refills are giving you 70 energy. I've been at level 60 for so long that I foget that this doesn't apply to everyone. Sorry Neeson, your revives are going to cost you a tiny bit more. Somehow I get the feeling you don't need them quite as much anyways.
Are these sample sizes big enough to make the data statistically relevant? Yes. Does that mean that my data and numbers are perfect. No. I'll let you make the decisions on if this is worth it, and which is more worth pursuing.

P.S. Don't @ me for my subpar Excel skills. Also, sorry if this came off as vaguely antagonistic, people just seem to get weird around the topics of farming. LMK if I messed up any math or anything. Hopefully this helps.



  • Lee99Lee99 Member Posts: 97

    TLDR: look at the graphs and read the assumptions.

    So, with a general disclaimer at the beginning, this is all open information that I can guarantee you Kabam is aware about and actually programmed into their game. If they somehow missed it, we have bigger problems on our hands than just a few revives that we can get elsewhere, and it isn't at all gamebreaking (like the infinite energy drops that were corrected at one point). That being said, if you want to blissfully ignore strategy and a legit method that Kabam has built into the game for reasonable effort to produce reasonable rewards, then just skip this discussion. If you think that this is some sort of easter egg that players should have to find for themselves or otherwise want to gatekeep and not let on to other players that this exists, I will politely ask you to play through abyss with a 1* Iron Man. This community isn't a closed community, and I like people having interesting/useful information accessible to themselves with minimal effort. We help each other out.

    Part two of my long-winded Ted Talk is about the *F2P* (free to play) experience. Now, purists may argue that since I spent $10 on my account 5-7 years ago, I am not a F2P player, but I guarantee you that the Black Panther Civil War dupe that I ended up getting with those revives has greatly impacted my account and those people are totally right. What a hypocrite I am. Anyways, as someone who for all intents and purposes does not hate himself (and plays a max of like 5 arena matches every week if not less), there are really not a lot of ways to accumulate units or revives in an appreciable manner to take on content like EOP/Carina's Challenges 3 in the slightly more casual manner that I prefer. If I can do so with my dog jumping around on my lap and with Psych on in the background instead of holed up in some quiet room by myself, then I would prefer it that way. Does it cost me 20-40% more revives on average? Probably, but the experience is far better. That being said, without some sort of revive farming method, it would take me quite a long time to save up the ~60 revives that I like to have on hand when running through tougher content. I'd far rather autofight quests for a week or so than pay $20(? I really should know more about unit costs), but that's just me.

    Enter the two low-effort and reasonable reward methods that I will be comparing today: Story Content parts 2.1.5 and 3.2.6. I know there are other places, and 5.3.6 or one of those has some pretty solid drop rates on full energy refills and revives, but as far as I know, that still takes a decent amount of energy and you can't autofight it. 2.1.5 is just one energy per tile (23 energy total for each path), 3.2.6 is two energy per tile (42 energy total per path), and both can be fully completed with relatively low ranked champs on autofight (but I always use 6*s because they get better points for things like Hero Use). 2.1.5 has three immediately diverging paths and no teleportation nodes that cause you to choose a path, while 3.2.6 has six separate paths that take longer to view (to see what rewards are available) and then also have to be selected via a teleportation node that requires several selections and screens. Personally, 2.1.5 is less mental energy, and typically if multiple rewards spawn that are worth retrieving then they have a higher liklihood of being on the same path, assuming an equal distribution among all the drop points (seems to fit actual testing, but who knows).

    My data so far is as follows, with the assumptions outlined after.


    • You will always choose the right path and will totally not get sidetracked by work or a movie and choose the wrong one.
    • If there are two drops on separate paths, you always go down the shortest path first, then quit out and start over on the path with the fathest reward.
    • It is fairly common for two drops to be on the same path, but for ease of tabulation, I always assumed that you had to go down one path per drop.
    • If you have to go down multiple paths, I averaged out the drop to the median (rounding down) energy distance of a path, then added that to the energy cost for a full path (for those with three, I did two half-paths and a full).
    • I did not add small energy refills to my counts for 3.2.6, or in either chapter when it was a lesser reward on a path, so that could slightly tweak things, but only for the better. It doesn't even make a huge dent in the data for 2.1.5 but I figured it couldn't hurt to record.
    • In the "basic cost" section, I am calculating the cost if you only use energy from full refills bought for 30 units. Obviously this is not the only way to get energy, so just chill with the "I get my units for free" comments. This is just a helpful equivalance that you can take or leave. The average energy per revive is probably the most helpful stat.
    • I tend to err upwards, so these are probably slightly higher than actual costs (in terms of units or energy), but can give a decent approximation and baseline for you to decide for yourself.
    • EDIT: this is also assuming your full energy refills are giving you 70 energy. I've been at level 60 for so long that I foget that this doesn't apply to everyone. Sorry Neeson, your revives are going to cost you a tiny bit more. Somehow I get the feeling you don't need them quite as much anyways.
    Are these sample sizes big enough to make the data statistically relevant? Yes. Does that mean that my data and numbers are perfect. No. I'll let you make the decisions on if this is worth it, and which is more worth pursuing.

    P.S. Don't @ me for my subpar Excel skills. Also, sorry if this came off as vaguely antagonistic, people just seem to get weird around the topics of farming. LMK if I messed up any math or anything. Hopefully this helps.

    If possible do you have data for 5.3.6.
  • CoppinCoppin Member Posts: 2,601 ★★★★★
    This is so much reading.. just watch Seatin's road to TB on an f2p...
  • Mknight123Mknight123 Member Posts: 278 ★★★
    First rule of fight club is you don't talk about fight club.
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,197 ★★★★★
    edited March 2023

    just some refill farming, and ignoring revives..
    Lee99 said:

    TLDR: look at the graphs and read the assumptions.

    So, with a general disclaimer at the beginning, this is all open information that I can guarantee you Kabam is aware about and actually programmed into their game. If they somehow missed it, we have bigger problems on our hands than just a few revives that we can get elsewhere, and it isn't at all gamebreaking (like the infinite energy drops that were corrected at one point). That being said, if you want to blissfully ignore strategy and a legit method that Kabam has built into the game for reasonable effort to produce reasonable rewards, then just skip this discussion. If you think that this is some sort of easter egg that players should have to find for themselves or otherwise want to gatekeep and not let on to other players that this exists, I will politely ask you to play through abyss with a 1* Iron Man. This community isn't a closed community, and I like people having interesting/useful information accessible to themselves with minimal effort. We help each other out.

    Part two of my long-winded Ted Talk is about the *F2P* (free to play) experience. Now, purists may argue that since I spent $10 on my account 5-7 years ago, I am not a F2P player, but I guarantee you that the Black Panther Civil War dupe that I ended up getting with those revives has greatly impacted my account and those people are totally right. What a hypocrite I am. Anyways, as someone who for all intents and purposes does not hate himself (and plays a max of like 5 arena matches every week if not less), there are really not a lot of ways to accumulate units or revives in an appreciable manner to take on content like EOP/Carina's Challenges 3 in the slightly more casual manner that I prefer. If I can do so with my dog jumping around on my lap and with Psych on in the background instead of holed up in some quiet room by myself, then I would prefer it that way. Does it cost me 20-40% more revives on average? Probably, but the experience is far better. That being said, without some sort of revive farming method, it would take me quite a long time to save up the ~60 revives that I like to have on hand when running through tougher content. I'd far rather autofight quests for a week or so than pay $20(? I really should know more about unit costs), but that's just me.

    Enter the two low-effort and reasonable reward methods that I will be comparing today: Story Content parts 2.1.5 and 3.2.6. I know there are other places, and 5.3.6 or one of those has some pretty solid drop rates on full energy refills and revives, but as far as I know, that still takes a decent amount of energy and you can't autofight it. 2.1.5 is just one energy per tile (23 energy total for each path), 3.2.6 is two energy per tile (42 energy total per path), and both can be fully completed with relatively low ranked champs on autofight (but I always use 6*s because they get better points for things like Hero Use). 2.1.5 has three immediately diverging paths and no teleportation nodes that cause you to choose a path, while 3.2.6 has six separate paths that take longer to view (to see what rewards are available) and then also have to be selected via a teleportation node that requires several selections and screens. Personally, 2.1.5 is less mental energy, and typically if multiple rewards spawn that are worth retrieving then they have a higher liklihood of being on the same path, assuming an equal distribution among all the drop points (seems to fit actual testing, but who knows).

    My data so far is as follows, with the assumptions outlined after.


    • You will always choose the right path and will totally not get sidetracked by work or a movie and choose the wrong one.
    • If there are two drops on separate paths, you always go down the shortest path first, then quit out and start over on the path with the fathest reward.
    • It is fairly common for two drops to be on the same path, but for ease of tabulation, I always assumed that you had to go down one path per drop.
    • If you have to go down multiple paths, I averaged out the drop to the median (rounding down) energy distance of a path, then added that to the energy cost for a full path (for those with three, I did two half-paths and a full).
    • I did not add small energy refills to my counts for 3.2.6, or in either chapter when it was a lesser reward on a path, so that could slightly tweak things, but only for the better. It doesn't even make a huge dent in the data for 2.1.5 but I figured it couldn't hurt to record.
    • In the "basic cost" section, I am calculating the cost if you only use energy from full refills bought for 30 units. Obviously this is not the only way to get energy, so just chill with the "I get my units for free" comments. This is just a helpful equivalance that you can take or leave. The average energy per revive is probably the most helpful stat.
    • I tend to err upwards, so these are probably slightly higher than actual costs (in terms of units or energy), but can give a decent approximation and baseline for you to decide for yourself.
    • EDIT: this is also assuming your full energy refills are giving you 70 energy. I've been at level 60 for so long that I foget that this doesn't apply to everyone. Sorry Neeson, your revives are going to cost you a tiny bit more. Somehow I get the feeling you don't need them quite as much anyways.
    Are these sample sizes big enough to make the data statistically relevant? Yes. Does that mean that my data and numbers are perfect. No. I'll let you make the decisions on if this is worth it, and which is more worth pursuing.

    P.S. Don't @ me for my subpar Excel skills. Also, sorry if this came off as vaguely antagonistic, people just seem to get weird around the topics of farming. LMK if I messed up any math or anything. Hopefully this helps.

    If possible do you have data for 5.3.6.
    Hey man, supp
    You are new to forums so welcome.
    Please don't quote such bug msgs lol...
    Scrolled to the bottom to find a 1 liner reply.

  • willrun4adonutwillrun4adonut Member Posts: 5,803 ★★★★★
    I scrolled to the bottom thinking this was a DNA post and saw 🐿️ guy instead. Good analysis (I'm assuming. I skipped it because I thought it had DNA math that I wouldn't understand).
  • Marvelfan30Marvelfan30 Member Posts: 1,175 ★★★★
    To much to read.... So I didn't read... ;)
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