Aw tier 4 tactic unsteady ground -2 bugged

Robin_010Robin_010 Member Posts: 25
Knull, Nick fury, ebany maw are glancing attacks from start. Even aa glance from start. Node tactic says it activates after special but is is from start. Please cancel war. We are facing a war with 9 bugged knull with tactic on.


  • KlippKlipp Member Posts: 229 ★★
    edited March 2023
    Anytime you have a debuff on you, you will glance and the glancing gets worse the more debuffs you have. So if it’s an awakened knull with sig 39 or up you will glance. If nick or Maw are on a node that you get debuffs you will glance
  • KlippKlipp Member Posts: 229 ★★
    Gotta read the last sentence in the node
  • Robin_010Robin_010 Member Posts: 25
    Ow ok. I’m using suicides with herc so that’s it.
  • KlippKlipp Member Posts: 229 ★★
    edited March 2023
    We have hated this tactic since it was introduced because of this issue of 5 or more knulls... So we started to join in the same and placing as many high sig knulls as we could. I can't wait till it's removed
  • Robin_010Robin_010 Member Posts: 25
    Thanks we had 17x knull r4 sig 200 te defeat. We won the war. It was no fun. We play t4. I don’t like it at all. We won, I learned going straight for boss will shut it off.
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