Battlegrounds: rolling announcements for victory track

TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,169 ★★★★★
I’ll acknowledge that this change probably isn’t for paragon players. I’ve got 61 champs at r3/4. I’m sure plenty of players have more, and plenty of Cav/TB players are cursing my name.

Some BG victory track metas are pretty specific. It would be great to have a rolling list of the current meta, the next meta, and maybe the one after that. Depending on where you are in a season, it’d tell you what to expect for the next 2-3 months.

I like this for two reasons:

1) being able to theorycraft as to which champs are useful in 2-3 metas instead of just one will allow you to prioritize rankups. That’s especially nice in metas like the power burn from last season. Seeing that one of those champs will be useful in another meta gives us a more certain return on investment for our rankups. People will be more willing to make these rankups, and with better decks, they’ll be more willing to actually play

2) the one-week turnaround between seasons only includes 1-2 level up days to make all the improvements you want ready for day 1. I don’t grind hard in BGs but it’s be nice to have some lead time to rank one or two champs to round out the deck in advance.

And unrelated, because I’ll never stop beating this drum - please change the medal system. Either increase the medals needed per rank and do two for a win and minus one for a loss, or just make a 2-1 loss count for zero.

On a related note, I think the community would be fascinated to see the player win rates in round 3 for whoever placed a defender first or second. It doesn’t feel like a 50-50 proposition, and if that’s correct, that game imbalance should factor into the “punishment” received for a loss.
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