Objectives in new Incursion SQ..

This is terrible . Have to remember 3 different tags to find champs..
Yeah pen and paper i guess...its like doing homework
Yeah pen and paper i guess...its like doing homework
No but seriously i would be fine it this was a regular screen.. but u gotta actually exit the "incursion" to check back the objective.. its kinda tedious 🤣
Side note: Unless I’m misunderstanding something, the 6* AG doesn’t look too hard to get right?
Anyway my solution was, to take a screenshoot of the objectives. Much easier to jump between champions selection and screenshot. 😁
And he called me an idiot.. do we have to separate being an idiot in game and in real life?..
I made a feedback post last month of how bad the Objectives were to keep track of, since it required too much keeping track of Ep #, Level #, Objective #, and where you actually were. Since objectives couldn't be completed until the previous one was logged, a player might be on Lvl 3 EP4 objectives and Lvl4 Ep3 objective on the other, and so on for 5-10 total objectives.
Unfortunately, they seemed to have repeated the annoyance it in a different way, where you have to look through multiple screens before you can play (look at the objective screen, look at the champion screen, look at the search tag screen, etc).
I left some week 1 until week 3.. week 2 until week 4... Juggling the teams...the class disadvantage.. the 1 shots.. but this one seems a bit messier since its 3 tags and all...
For Blessed Objective, does the champion has to be all three tags (#Defensive Utility, #Offensive Damage Over Time, and #Control Denial), or do they only need to have one of them? The objective is worded with 'and' instead of 'or'.
When I do a Filter By Tag over my roster and select 'All Selected Tags' and select the three objectives, no champions have all 3 tags.