Taskmaster Rework Concept

About Taskmaster
Tony Masters was a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent exposed to an experimental variant of the Super-Soldier Serum, called the Mnemonic Primer. It grants him the ability to duplicate any movement he sees, but at a cost. The huge amount of information his brain records, causes it to overwrite his own memories, replacing what little remains of his original self. Now known as Taskmaster he offers his skills to the highest bidder as a mercenary and combat trainer.
Character Class: Skill
Abilities: Fury, Exploit Weakness, Bleed, Armor Break, True Accuracy, Debuff Immunity
Strengths and Weaknesses
Strengths - Debuff Immunity, High Damage Output
Weaknesses - Purify, Critical Resistance
The Following Stats and Abilities are based on a Rank 5, Level 65, 5-Star Champion.
Always Active
Personal Debuffs and Passives cannot be prevented by Ability Accuracy Reduction.
Photographic Reflexes - Passive
Each Unique attack the opponent attempts decreases their Offensive Ability Accuracy by 10%, and increases Taskmaster’s Perfect Block Chance by the same amount.
Each Unique attack Taskmaster makes decreases his opponent’s Defensive Ability Accuracy by 10%.
If Taskmaster is struck by a Special Attack, both of these effects are reset.
Learn The Foe - Passive
Whenever Taskmaster is inflicted with a Debuff, all future Debuffs placed on him have their potency reduced by 10%.
If the Debuff potency reduction reaches 100%, Taskmaster gains an indefinite Debuff Immunity Passive for the rest of the fight.
Exploit Weakness - Passive
Taskmaster spots a weakness in the last attack the opponent attempted, which can be exploited by striking his opponent with that same attack within 10 seconds.
Successfully exploiting a weakness instantly deals 1378.65 Direct Damage.
An attack that triggers Exploit Weakness grants Taskmaster a True Accuracy Passive for 15 seconds.
After Exploit Weakness is triggered or expires, it goes on cooldown for 10 seconds.
Heavy Attacks
If Exploit Weakness is on cooldown, the cooldown immediately ends, and the target is set.
If Taskmaster has triggered Exploit Weakness in the last 2 seconds, or his current Exploit Weakness is a Heavy Attack, he avoids any incoming attacks for the first 2 seconds of charging this attack.
Special Attacks
On activation, gain a Fury Passive equal to the number of Debuffs on the opponent, each increasing Attack Rating by 826.1 for 20 seconds.
This attack gains 370.59 Critical Rating for each Debuff on the opponent.
Special Attack 1
On activation, gain a non-stacking Pierce Passive of 50% potency for 20 seconds.
The final hit of this attack inflicts a Bleed Debuff, dealing 4169.2 Direct Damage over 5 seconds.
The potency of this Bleed Debuff is increased by 10% for each Debuff on the opponent. Max: 100%.
Special Attack 2
On activation, gain a Cruelty Passive equal to the number of Debuffs on the opponent, each increasing Critical Damage Rating by 110.53 for 20 seconds.
The final hit of this attack inflicts an Armor Break Debuff, reducing Armor Rating by 1130.77 for 20 seconds.
The potency of this Armor Break Debuff is increased by 10% for each Buff on the opponent. Max: 100%.
Special Attack 3
Once per fight, inflict 20 indefinite Debuffs of 50% potency.
These Debuffs include: Trauma, Taunt, Tranquilize, Cowardice, Rupture, Poison, Shock, Incinerate, Coldsnap, Physical Vulnerability, Disintegration, Fatigue, Debilitate, Fragility, Wither, Weakness, Exhaustion, Infuriate, Ensnare, and Falter.
Inflict a Bleed Debuff, dealing 14580.5 Direct Damage over 5 seconds.
Inflict an Armor Break Debuff, reducing Armor Rating by 1718.18 for 20 seconds.
If there is an active Exploit Weakness target, it is automatically triggered, and deals 200% more damage.
Signature Ability - Intuitive Pattern Recognition
Increase Concussion Debuff duration by 4 seconds flat.
Each time Taskmaster successfully triggers Exploit Weakness, inflict the opponent with a Concussion Debuff, reducing Ability Accuracy by 10% for 6 seconds, and refreshes whenever a new Concussion Debuff is inflicted on the opponent.
If Taskmaster places 5 Concussion Debuffs on the opponent, convert all Concussion Debuffs into a non-stacking Concussion Passive, reducing Ability Accuracy by 75% for 15 seconds, and counts as 5 Debuffs for Taskmaster’s other abilities, and removes the Exploit Weakness cooldown timer.
While this effect is active, Taskmaster cannot inflict additional Concussion Debuffs.
Recommended Masteries
Double Edge/Liquid Courage
Deep Wounds
Synergy Bonuses
Hawkeye – Mostly Average Joes – Unique Synergy
Taskmaster: If Taskmaster’s current Exploit Weakness target attack is a Special Attack, all his Special Attacks become Unblockable.
Hawkeye: Each Successful Release triggered since the last time the Special 3 was activated increases duration of Bleeds by an additional 20%.
Winter Soldier – Thunderbolts – Unique Synergy
Taskmaster: Current Exploit Weakness target Attack has a 20% chance to become Unblockable.
Winter Soldier: EMP Upgrade gains a flat +5% chance to trigger.
Moon Knight – Termination Contract – Unique Synergy
Taskmaster: Gains a 30% chance to Evade, against his current Exploit Weakness target.
Moon Knight: All of Moon Knight’s Moon Phase Abilities gain a flat +10% chance to trigger.
Crossbones – Professors in Crime – Unique Synergy
Taskmaster: Instantly gain 5% of his Max Power each time he Exploits a Weakness.
Crossbones: Gain 2 additional Fury Buff(s) when entering Overrun.
Incoming Synergy Changes
Remember Me
With Black Widow (Deadly Origin)
Taskmaster (Old Effect): Each time he Exploits a Weakness, Taskmaster has a 30% chance to Inflict a Sabotage Debuff, reducing Defensive Ability Accuracy by 20% for 10 seconds and dealing 10% of Attack as direct Damage when Abilities fail to trigger.
Taskmaster (New Effect): Triggering Exploit Weakness also inflicts a Sabotage Debuff, reducing Defensive Ability Accuracy by 25% for 25 seconds and dealing Direct Damage equal to 150% of Taskmaster’s Attack Rating whenever their Defensive Abilities fail to trigger.
Metallic Affinity
With Magneto (House of X)
Taskmaster (Old Effect): Exploit Weakness attacks deal +40% Damage.
Taskmaster (New Effect): Exploit Weakness Damage is increased by 100%.