Alliance war issues

AndyBaron7AndyBaron7 Member Posts: 359
So just enter war went to first fight peni Parker used magneto (easy) did the usual gained prowess hit sp3 and magneto does a random sp2. Which the ai blocks. Then charges me to take damage I sort it out and win the fight. Then a radon connection thing appears after around 20 seconds comes up victory. I press continue and it returns me to war screen. To my surprise peni Parker is still there with a victory icon beside her but my champs lost half his health. I screen shot this reboot the phone. Return to war now the icon is gone my champs healths still gone. And peni still remains. This error goes against my alliance and I really don’t appreciate this please resolve this. iPhone XR latest iOS latest game update 92gb free phone memory.


  • AndyBaron7AndyBaron7 Member Posts: 359
    Fight should have been like this but instead now I’m punished

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