Who to use a Generic Gem on? (ALWAYS USING SUICIDES)

NIOBBBNIOBBB Member Posts: 138
edited March 2023 in Strategy and Tips
Already awakened most of the important champs (herc/kitty/archangel etc). All of them are rank 4 except for galan who I am planning on getting to r4

Who to use a Generic Gem on? (ALWAYS USING SUICIDES) 39 votes

HzoriBrokenSkunkcabbageRabarberstengelAmazing_Demon05Ayden_noah1Powerofpain1001Sarvanga1_FiiNCHRenaxqqRebornMVPSpecMReal_Madrid_76_2StarSmasher2001Jack2634Sceptilemaniac2InsaneSkullPhantomfire500Rainwind76PowerOfACandle 25 votes
phillgreenMoosetiptronicBasamiGiuliameijCeltic1981jaythekidTnkeesmanSlayinAlive 8 votes
Immortal Abomination
Spity68Godz 2 votes
Ewell65SSS69H3t3rJenskeDSuperstar_1126 4 votes


  • Jack2634Jack2634 Member Posts: 1,017 ★★★
    edited March 2023
    I voted Ghost but Ibom might be the best choice tbh. Ghost sounds fun when u have her at r4 duped , suicides on. But trust me man , i have both kitty and ghost duped and the day i awakened my r4 kitty , i barely touch ghost again , even though she is at 180. It belong to whether u really enjoy playing ghost or not .
  • NIOBBBNIOBBB Member Posts: 138
    Jack2634 said:

    I voted Ghost but Ibom might be the best choice tbh. Ghost sounds fun when u have her at r4 duped , suicides on. But trust me man , i have both kitty and ghost duped and the day i awakened my r4 kitty , i barely touch ghost again , even though she is at 180. It belong to whether u really enjoy playing ghost or not .

    @Jack2634 This is honestly my biggest worry as Kitty is by far my favorite champ (and also my R5 6 star)
  • Maverick75Maverick75 Member Posts: 804 ★★★
    In my opinion Ghost is largely overrated.
    Keep your gem for another champion.
  • MoosetiptronicMoosetiptronic Member Posts: 2,166 ★★★★
    If you can play ghost well, then she's still worthy.

    As an "always suicides" player as well, I have a R4 sig 200 diablo (R3 duped ghost and R4 duped iabom too). Diablo is bonkers; auto fight farms the whole of ROL, nullifies for fun, is a healing battery and can also take odd nodes you'd think he can't like bleed node in AQ barely losing health once at max sig. If I get a mystic gem from EOP I'll take him over Claire to R5.
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