another bugged war matchup / implications for new QOL improvements... must fix before QOL goes live

Qwerty12345Qwerty12345 Member Posts: 865 ★★★★
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Jax @RichTheMan

TLDR: new QOL war improvements and different globals/bans don't jive, must fix before going live.

For the 3rd time this season, our alliance has been matched against an alliance hundreds of war rating ahead of ours (1-1 so far, will see how this coming war goes). This will be the 2nd time that as a Tier4 alliance, we will be bumped up to Tier 2 or Tier 1 map, as the bans/global are different. I only mention this to suggest that this is not a rare event.

We had no reason to expect a different global, and did not have ample opportunity to change our defensive champions around it (yes we can move our champs around a bit, but there are many champs placed purely because of the global that you wouldn't otherwise normally place, and getting a full alliance to change defenders last minute is not practical.

I'm sure this happens a lot / has happened to us when we were near the top of Tier 3 / occasionally "play up" and would be ready for it... so maybe this still isn't enough to be "cause for change".

However, with the new QOL changes, there will be no "defense setup phase". Your can't change your defenders. You can't relocated your champions. You and or your opponents might just get hosed.

The only practical way around this has to be... to use the same global and bans for all tiers. What if this were in place this season, and per black/white list, we obviously couldn't ban Herc, had to ban torch... but now the global bans are different. We may actually have wasted a ban on someone on the Tier 1 blacklist, or even quite possibly had someone whitelisted move to the blacklist or visa versa.

Anything short of that... the new QOL, which I love in concept... is absolutely unfair.

There is no release data announced, and plenty of time to remedy this. I implore you Kabam: please fix this before going live.
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