Zone 25 Solo or Co-op?

DonDudu2809DonDudu2809 Member Posts: 348 ★★
edited March 2023 in Strategy and Tips
Me and my friend want to go for Zone 25, we both have Herc and will do it anyway but we don't know if we should do the run together or individualy. Is there any massive difference between the two ways(for example unit cost, hacks, etc)? Which one should we go for?

Zone 25 Solo or Co-op? 13 votes

Do it Solo
booscka2536FerahgoMalinmadCyrillFromTulaSlayinAliveThunderalphBron1 7 votes
Do it Together
SpeedbumpSaske97IvarTheBonelessMother_FlerkenhoundogακιHalpy 6 votes
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
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