AI defenders on monthly EQ…

I don’t know exactly how to explain this, so I’ll do my best and hopefully avoid any backlash on this post….
I would like to suggest placing AI defenders on the monthly EQ chapters that DONT require a certain champ or a few certain champs to take in just to beat 1 defender on a certain path.
For example, on Thronebreaker Ch. 2.2, Path C, there’s a friggin Bishop on the 2nd fight. Ch. 2.2 is a Science chapter or bring in champions that gain TAGtical Edge (whatever that is, still haven’t figured it out exactly yet). Anyway, there are only certain champs to bring in for Bishop that won’t Incinerate or take energy damage if Incinerate Immune, very few, CGR being one of them.
With the global nodes that are implemented in the chapter and Bishop’s abilities, if people don’t have those certain champs, they’re screwed. I’ve had to restart that path 4x now because Bishop keeps taking out all 5 champs. Bishop’s SP1 80% of the time is Unblockable anyway and with the Global Unblockable mixed in with that ability, you’re pretty well f***** to say the least.
If there’s going to be Global nodes like that, can you not stick defenders like Bishop in there? Not everyone has the correct champs for defenders like Bishop, which also leads me to start thinking that maybe you guys know this already and it’s a trap to get people to spend money on units to buy revives and health pots (I’m reaching here but I wouldn’t put it past Kabam to do something like this)
I would like to suggest placing AI defenders on the monthly EQ chapters that DONT require a certain champ or a few certain champs to take in just to beat 1 defender on a certain path.
For example, on Thronebreaker Ch. 2.2, Path C, there’s a friggin Bishop on the 2nd fight. Ch. 2.2 is a Science chapter or bring in champions that gain TAGtical Edge (whatever that is, still haven’t figured it out exactly yet). Anyway, there are only certain champs to bring in for Bishop that won’t Incinerate or take energy damage if Incinerate Immune, very few, CGR being one of them.
With the global nodes that are implemented in the chapter and Bishop’s abilities, if people don’t have those certain champs, they’re screwed. I’ve had to restart that path 4x now because Bishop keeps taking out all 5 champs. Bishop’s SP1 80% of the time is Unblockable anyway and with the Global Unblockable mixed in with that ability, you’re pretty well f***** to say the least.
If there’s going to be Global nodes like that, can you not stick defenders like Bishop in there? Not everyone has the correct champs for defenders like Bishop, which also leads me to start thinking that maybe you guys know this already and it’s a trap to get people to spend money on units to buy revives and health pots (I’m reaching here but I wouldn’t put it past Kabam to do something like this)