Looking for new alliance G2 or above

Just reached Paragon.

Been loyal to an alliance for several months progressing from S3 to G3. Alliance is losing progression momentum and I'm looking for a new challenge.
Active daily, enjoying post game challenges but always put alliance events first. Confident in running AQ maps 5&6. Current war season stats are 111 kills and 2 deaths. Consistent BG season point scores of 250k+.
I have discord and am willing to download Line app if that's what your alliance uses.
Message me in game if interested: t3ff0x~1

Been loyal to an alliance for several months progressing from S3 to G3. Alliance is losing progression momentum and I'm looking for a new challenge.
Active daily, enjoying post game challenges but always put alliance events first. Confident in running AQ maps 5&6. Current war season stats are 111 kills and 2 deaths. Consistent BG season point scores of 250k+.
I have discord and am willing to download Line app if that's what your alliance uses.
Message me in game if interested: t3ff0x~1
We used LINE, if you're interested - msg me in LINE.
LINE id; johantanadi
Average hero rating: 1.5m
4k glory weekly
We use Discord for communication. Contact me at IW_Null#5825.
Please let me know if you are interested.
I have now accepted an offer to join an alliance and am no longer available to join any other.