[S-O-F] Recruiting
We are recruiting for active mature members, teamwork and participation is a must!! We have a diverse team and a lot of experience communication is key we also understand that we all have lives beyond this game but we come together to get after it. We do use line but we understand that most people don’t prefer it so it’s not a mandatory requirement. Issues do come up and it can’t be helped but have the courtesy to let someone know so we aren’t depending on you to do your part whether it be AQ or AW!! We are better prepared to adjust as long as we know what’s going on,we don’t need to know your personal business just the fact that you will or won’t be available for the events. Your minimum rating should be 50K+ but we will be able to adjust that based on you. And lastly we are here to help you and each other develope our hero’s and have fun in the process... Alpha922 ‘’ Leader of SOLDIERS OF FORTUNE” [S-O-F]