DAU is recruiting

Hi all,
DAU is recruiting, we're an aw focused ally who in the last 2 seasons have finished plat 1 followed by plat 2 rank 7.
This current season we will drop to 2 bgs for one season to rebuild items and loyalty, we previously always ran 2 bgs for war and finished plat 3 every season.
Aq is 55655. Relaxed
No battleground minimums at the moment
Message me on Line app if interested jakeparker1992

DAU is recruiting, we're an aw focused ally who in the last 2 seasons have finished plat 1 followed by plat 2 rank 7.
This current season we will drop to 2 bgs for one season to rebuild items and loyalty, we previously always ran 2 bgs for war and finished plat 3 every season.
Aq is 55655. Relaxed
No battleground minimums at the moment
Message me on Line app if interested jakeparker1992
