Answers needed

@Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Lyra

I would like to ask some concrete questions.

For the past how many seasons of BGs, players have been reporting a variety of bugs and an issue with cheaters. Whether the reports were accurate, provided the information that your team deems as helpful or just ranting at the state of the game. I, for one, have been particularly vocal about the O points bug that appeared all the way back in season 3.

I have followed the correct channels to complain. I have been met by the standard automated email response. I have complained on the forums, along with many other players and yet we seldom receive any acknowledgement or feedback on these issues.

Please let us know what exactly is being done to solve these problems? 4 BG seasons have passed and I, personally, am still being by the same bugs. It is aa if they were tailor made to appear on my device. What is being done to proactively fix these bugs? How is it that you would continue to greenlight and actively promote a mode that is actively bug riddled and yet are unwilling to be transparent about what is being done to fix this? If I was part of any other company, it would be unthinkable to release a product that is not working as intended so why would you subject your demographic to a such a painful and frustrating thing?

I have lost 5 matched since yesterday becuase of the 0 points bug. I disconnected twice after finishing my round and froze once. How is this "optimal performance "? Several updates and patches have been released, countless champions added and reworked and yet how have the BG bugs, to be specific, not been addressed?

Please let us know. Acknowledge it. Be transparent. We'd rather receive a these bugs are difficult to fix and we're doing our best than plain silence. I'm not even going to mention compensation becuase the community knows that the Compensation for BG issues would be too costly for you. All we want are answers. Not the standard we are aware of the issues spiel. We want to know how you are addressing it. I AM TIRED OF GOING INTO BG AND HAVING MY EXCITEMENT DESTROYED BECUASE OF ISSUES OUTSIDE OF MY CONTROL.


  • SpartanGhostSpartanGhost Member Posts: 37
    If screenshots are needed, I can provide them. Even streamers in you CCP program have had the finishing fights and then being disconnected bug (lagacy's latest BG stream)
  • CoppinCoppin Member Posts: 2,601 ★★★★★

    If screenshots are needed, I can provide them. Even streamers in you CCP program have had the finishing fights and then being disconnected bug (lagacy's latest BG stream)

    Make sure u cover up the names of the opponent in the screenshots...
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