Danger Room Incursions (Odin and Galan Pre-Fights disappearing)

BrandonBrandon Member Posts: 2
Hey guys! My summoner name is Hal Jorden. So Around 6:45 pm EST I began an Incursions Danger Room. Using the team Hercules, Odin, and Galan. I won the first fight. Then seeded Hercules making him my herald and then proceeded with adding on Odins Prefight buffs. I got through the first zone just fine but upon entering into the second zone I realized that my 4 prefight advantages were suddenly gone and removed from my Hercules. I found this quite disappointing. I’m hoping this is a bug needing fixed and not that there’s been a newly added restriction in using multiple prefight abilities from more than one champion such as my previously used Odin-Worthy Herald Hercules. Is there anyone else having this issue? If so please help me push this issue along to the Game Developers. Again VERY DISAPPOINTING!

Most Sincerely,
8 year Mcoc Gamer
Hal Jorden


  • Ironman3000Ironman3000 Member Posts: 2,018 ★★★★★
    If you quit re-start the game, or it crashes, during a fight you lose the pre-fights.
  • BrandonBrandon Member Posts: 2
    I’ve been having some choppy cell service, so this makes sense. Good to know thank you so much IronMan3000
  • ShiroiharaShiroihara Member Posts: 1,092 ★★★★
    This just happened to me. It was only room 10 but still very annoying.
    Is this going to be fixed? In a month with an incursions theme you’d think Kabam would fix something this awful as a priority.
  • SkunkcabbageSkunkcabbage Member Posts: 400 ★★★

    It's not exactly a bug that needs fixed. It stops people from force closing the game to retry every fight

    Not true, the game randomly crashes too and you lose it that way also. It affects squeaky clean users and force closers alike.
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