Danger Room Incursions (Odin and Galan Pre-Fights disappearing)

Hey guys! My summoner name is Hal Jorden. So Around 6:45 pm EST I began an Incursions Danger Room. Using the team Hercules, Odin, and Galan. I won the first fight. Then seeded Hercules making him my herald and then proceeded with adding on Odins Prefight buffs. I got through the first zone just fine but upon entering into the second zone I realized that my 4 prefight advantages were suddenly gone and removed from my Hercules. I found this quite disappointing. I’m hoping this is a bug needing fixed and not that there’s been a newly added restriction in using multiple prefight abilities from more than one champion such as my previously used Odin-Worthy Herald Hercules. Is there anyone else having this issue? If so please help me push this issue along to the Game Developers. Again VERY DISAPPOINTING!
Most Sincerely,
8 year Mcoc Gamer
Hal Jorden
Most Sincerely,
8 year Mcoc Gamer
Hal Jorden
Is this going to be fixed? In a month with an incursions theme you’d think Kabam would fix something this awful as a priority.