Opinions on Stryfe?
Am wondering what the general opinion is on Stryfe nowadays. Been 2 years since release and haven’t heard a whole lot about him.
I pulled and duped him recently and am considering taking him to rank 4 over Apoc since I really like his playstyle. Just need to make sure this isn’t a completely dumb decision.
I pulled and duped him recently and am considering taking him to rank 4 over Apoc since I really like his playstyle. Just need to make sure this isn’t a completely dumb decision.
I feel like people don't talk about him a lot due to the general misconception that he's just Aegon 2.0 and therefore he's only useful in Abyss type quests which is not true. The players that really like him know that he works almost everywhere. Also since you have Apoc already the both synergize really well. Although imo, his best synergy is the one with Hood.
So yes, OP, Stryfe is a fantastic choice for a R4, even over Apoc. At the end of the day, it's just a game and if you enjoy using Stryfe a lot more then there's no reason to not rank him up.
Appreciate the response! That’s enough for me haha, he’ll be my next rank 4 for sure.
Since you’re so well versed on Stryfe, do you mind telling me about any out of the box tips/tricks?
I’ve watched a lot of vids and have gotten the basics down but not all of it is up to date with the current state of the game.
1. When you throw the sp1, even if the opponent has a bar of power, it is generally safe to stand there and wait for them to dash into you. 90% of the time they won't throw a special.
2. Pushing Magik above one bar of power with a psionic attack: if limbo triggers you won't take any damage from it. I think this also applies when using Omega Red or Gambit to fight her.
3. If you're fighting Electro, don't place the passive shock from the sp1 on him cause that will put his static shock damage at 115% potency and you won't be able to ignore it. Instead, you can throw the sp1 on the block since, generally, the cloaking animation will end before the enemy starts dashing at you.
4. As I mentioned in my first comment, the Hood synergy is really good. It allows you to start with his cloak active. So you get a free opening and some telepathic charges. If you bring Cable along you start the fight with 5 so after you throw a heavy you could potentially have 13-15 telepathic charges, which significantly speeds up ramp up.
5. If your Stryfe is unwakened, do not worry about having to get to 20 charges and then throw the sp3 every fight. If you get to 10 charges and the fight is almost over, bank those cause that is still a nice damage bump for the next fight.
6. Don't forget to use the light ending combo to apply concussions. They are very useful since they allow you to block unblockable attacks. They can also stack and each one has 20% AAR.
7. Probably the most important tip, remember which champions have #Psychic Shielding. There's the more know ones like Prof X, Juggs, Stryfe himself, and both Magnetos. But Sinister, Cap Britain, UC, and Jessica Jones also have it. Although it is weird that Emma doesn't have it. Similarly, remember that both Daredevils can ignore miss. I have gotten clipped more than I'd like to admit.