Very Active Player looking for Ally

I am leader of an Alliance and tired of people not participating so I am looking to just be a serious player now. I put in 8-12 hours a day. EVERYDAY. I am always the top participant in the list of every event in my last 2 alliances. I did a little over 177k in Battlegrounds last go and I am on track to go more than that this season. I have never missed a day of AW or AQ. I am about to become Cav. I put it off building the Alliance because i would work one on one with members and help them out. But will be Cav within a week.
Need to be in Ally that communicates (I have line or Discord or anything else) and Participates.

Hit me up
Line: jaceface75
Discord: Jaceface75#8316
I also have 2 of my officers looking for a new home.
Need to be in Ally that communicates (I have line or Discord or anything else) and Participates.

Hit me up
Line: jaceface75
Discord: Jaceface75#8316
I also have 2 of my officers looking for a new home.