Guess I'm just not good enough for battlegrounds

I was able to get into GC first 4 seasons but last season barely finished in D1
This season I think I might just give up on BGs completely! Just a waste of my time.
I'm paragon with a very decent roster. Not P2W roster but a nice 8 year F2P roster that finished pretty much all content in the game that matters.
But in BGs I might win 2 in a row then lose 3 or more because I'm up against rosters that are bigger than mine combined with AI that just won't throw specials, lags, bugs, unresponsive controls and disconnections that send me back to square 1!
Sorry, I tried, but the waste of my time for no rewards is just not worth it and not fun anymore.
I used to love BGs more than anything in this game but I think I'm just gonna stop wasting my time on this waste of time and go back to real life because this game doesn't show any signs of improving in any way.
This season I think I might just give up on BGs completely! Just a waste of my time.
I'm paragon with a very decent roster. Not P2W roster but a nice 8 year F2P roster that finished pretty much all content in the game that matters.
But in BGs I might win 2 in a row then lose 3 or more because I'm up against rosters that are bigger than mine combined with AI that just won't throw specials, lags, bugs, unresponsive controls and disconnections that send me back to square 1!
Sorry, I tried, but the waste of my time for no rewards is just not worth it and not fun anymore.
I used to love BGs more than anything in this game but I think I'm just gonna stop wasting my time on this waste of time and go back to real life because this game doesn't show any signs of improving in any way.
You are not alone.. i am there as well..
it really plys with one's mind & make you feel not good enough for the game..& really criples on your mind ..
Not worth the mental stress over such game mode .. 👍🏼👍🏼✌🏻✌🏻
Btw : still in silver 3 after playing like 30 matches there.. & i am paragon.
But come on, don't come crying that the game is bad when in reality you just play worse than you opponents in BG.
I often play against people with lower rosters than mine and they destroy me while sometimes I see my opponent with a roster way more advanced than mine and I win easily because the guy doesn't know how to play his characters or to play around the nodes. Rosters are a great help but clearly not the decisive factor.
I'm getting tired of people complaining that the game is not easy enough. In a BG match there is a winner and a loser, you just need to get better.
I know it can be discouraging,..but at the very least the are decent enough rewards on there own.
Also may give you a opening where your able to break through.
I just cant understand who is doing good? Everyone i know is doing exactly as post says. Win 20 loose 19 YEEEEEEY i got one star... now neeed to play another 10000 matches to get to GC no problem...
Out of my last 20 match ups 4 have been 4mil+, 11 3mil+, 4 only 400-500k higher than me and 1 lower.
It sucks
For example do you go mystic heavy, run max MD, ban HT and AA, and then carry other counters?
Do you go strong on mutants and ban Nimmy?
I hope you all find this helpful. It helps to remember that this game is a big version of rock, paper, scissors. You could carry all 3… or you could carry only rocks and ban their paper.
Good luck!
Bro same for me! 3.5 million roster 5 years playing completed most end game contant and I just cannot progress much anymore. Takes all the fun out of it. Battlegrounds could be so awesome. Sad they want to drag their feet in getting it fixed. I’ve quit playing it which intern has made me log into the game far less.
Said my piece in other threads. For your average Paragon, the majority of matchups are a coin flip.
Makes progression painfully slow.
It’s designed for us to out think and out play each other through strategy and skill while leveraging the roster we’ve invested in. If you are getting beat by a smaller account, did they make a move that demonstrated advanced game knowledge or interactions, is there a defender that you should really practice more? Are your band effective for you?
I have a mix in my deck consisting of 6 mutant, 4 skill, 3 science, 5 mystic, 6 cosmic and 6 tech. In every class I have at least 1 att, 1 def, and 1 dual threat (except science 1 att and 2 dual threats). So I don't really know what to focus on. Could you give me any insight in ban strategy? Or deck building focus?
The 2 things are hand in hand in my perspective. You want to consider your ban strategy along with your deck construction, but that being said be flexible in thought regarding your ban strategy too. Rigid commitment to a plan can also lead in failure, but having a plan gives you an advantage. So it’s important to make a plan and implement it for a few rounds first. Identify the weak points then adjust accordingly.
In regards to deck construction, class balance is important, but honestly it can be overvalued. So consider your masteries. What are they built to take advantage of? That’s really the first step. If you aren’t running MD at 3/5 or higher then maybe carry less mystics and focus else where. If you are running 4/5, 5/5, then a class imbalance leading toward mystics should improve your overall deck. So dedicating 7, 8, 9, 10 spots to mystics can benefit you.
Now that mystic bias is going to have an obvious weakness to the science class, but also an obvious strength too. So your bans should account for that and you should look at banning science champs over cosmics (even if you hate fighting them). And in order to prevent not having science counters yourself, then the next layer of deck building is knowing outside of HT and Scorpion, who else spanks mystics, and mastering those champs. Then the next layer is making sure the mystics you do carry hard counter those Cosmic defenders you hate.
Once you set that core strategy then you build outwards from there considering who are routinely BG studs like Domino, Nimrod, Galan, etc. and keep building. The. It’s a process of tweaks until you hit that grove.
So in my case I'm running 4/5 MD which means I need to get more mystics in my deck. I also have 4/5 deep wounds, full despair and petrify, 5/5 limber and 1 point in willpower. What do those masteries mean for champion selection? I have trouble seeing how other masteries effect champion classes except the obvious mystic disperion for mystic champs.
I would recommend 3/3 in willpower though as anything you can do to help with any chip damage can be helpful,
Appreciate the kind comments. Like i mentioned it’s easy to get frustrated with BGs, but each meta is a reset on strategy which means you really wanna carefully consider your deck and ban strategies
Also the same with me with the first few seasons, especially season 3 & 4, I was in the GC within a week or two of the season starting. Last two seasons I was lucky if I made it in by the last few days.
These days I basically just climb the Victory Track for the tokens. I make the GC just to place in a tier to get Season Rewards.