Hulk still hulk?

Upanddown_69Upanddown_69 Member Posts: 251
Is it just me or has anyone noticed a change to hulk in the past week?

He’ll take down winter soldier (r3) in about 65 hits every time. Now repeatedly more like 90.

I feel his gamma rage is ending much faster than before, meaning I only have about 4 furies left by the time I get to l3.

Don’t see anything else here about it- is it just me?

Thanks guys!



  • FubbieFubbie Member Posts: 142
    I'm also wondering about this issue
  • Upanddown_69Upanddown_69 Member Posts: 251
    Still trying to work my head around what’s happening- in part it’s that the furies seem to be expiring faster, but it’s also looks like he’s not critting in gamma rage. I’m talking one hit in 20 crits… again and again. Way too often I think for rng.
  • FrostGiantLordFrostGiantLord Member Posts: 2,200 ★★★★
    Kabam probably needed to nerf Hulk after they buffed him too much lol :lol:
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