13k prestige looking AQ based alliance

As noted looking for an alliance without compulsory AW. Running map 5/6
I’m based in Australia but open to any alliance if it works for you.
I’m based in Australia but open to any alliance if it works for you.
AW is optional. AQ and Line are required. my in game name is Drauglin or your can find me on Line at: DrauglinCST
Have you found yourself an Alliance yet??
If not? I would like to cordially invite you to our Alliance!
We run maps AQ series currently! And AQ is mandatory!
We run 2 BG's for AW! AW is free to join! No pressure!!
We finished last season in G3 and we normally finish in G2/G3.
And we are looking for ACTIVE PLAYERS who can help us progress to G1/Plat rankings!
- BG's EVENT -
Season 1 - top 11 - 20%
Season 2 - top 11 - 20%
Season 3 - top 25 %
Season 4 - top 31 %
Season 5 - top 50 %
We are currently looking for members who can help us rebound back up into the top 20% or better within the BG's event!
As communication is key!
Give me a shout if you're interested!
Alliance name: Rebel Alliance 69
Line I D.- Rebel Thumbs
Game I.D. - Rebel Thumbs