Hulkling vs. P. Parker…

Sand_Devil13Sand_Devil13 Member Posts: 48
edited March 2023 in Strategy and Tips
I have him, unduped, but no rank up materials atm so he sits at R1.

My question is, how are people using Hulkling to beat my R4 sig 200 P. Parker in BGs within 30-40 seconds without losing hardly any health at all??? Does Hulkling bypass her AutoBlock damage or something? Cause it does take some time to get her shield down so you can hit her without worrying about the AutoBlock damage.
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on


  • Sand_Devil13Sand_Devil13 Member Posts: 48
    Ahhhh, craziness. I didn’t know this stuff. Thanks fellas!
  • FrostGiantLordFrostGiantLord Member Posts: 2,200 ★★★★
    Hulking. He’s an amazing all-rounder champ, being very capable in offence and defence. Third best cosmic IMO(after Herc and Galan, of course).
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,267 ★★★★★

    I have him, unduped, but no rank up materials atm so he sits at R1.

    My question is, how are people using Hulkling to beat my R4 sig 200 P. Parker in BGs within 30-40 seconds without losing hardly any health at all??? Does Hulkling bypass her AutoBlock damage or something? Cause it does take some time to get her shield down so you can hit her without worrying about the AutoBlock damage.

    Try it yourself. Do the practice fight. Youll know.
    Hit block first.
  • xLunatiXxxLunatiXx Member Posts: 1,493 ★★★★★
    I can take down a NF double life in 50sec as well. He's that good
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,344 ★★★★★
    He is stupid good.

    Except against mojo, that can be...problematic.
  • Real_Madrid_76_2Real_Madrid_76_2 Member Posts: 3,580 ★★★★★
    Wish i had him or galan. Even after so many attempts on previous and present featured crystals i hardly got any good champs except AA and shang
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