anyone dealing with issues going from block to dashing forward?

WayWorn2525WayWorn2525 Member Posts: 1,013 ★★★
I've experienced where after blocking and trying to dash forward, my player is just standing there. I have to swipe a couple of times just to dash forward, and it just fails sometimes as well. Anyone having similar incident?


  • CyrillFromTulaCyrillFromTula Member Posts: 50
    Same happens to me. I attached video's of that issue in post related to input issues, but there were no responds for a long time
  • junniorpacojunniorpaco Member Posts: 7
    Dear Kabam, the gameplay is horrible, what is happening is unfair I dodge and the dummy parries or takes the blow, I attack and the AI ​​dodges and counterattack this is very unfair, urgently correct.
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