This month Thronebreaker EQ was butt…

JoseOkJoseOk Member Posts: 278 ★★
edited April 2023 in General Discussion
Let’s talk about it.

2.1/2.2 were terrible!

Last months TB Eq was simple with simple nodes. This months had tagtical charges and obstinate node on 2.1/2.2 , a lot of reading and the fights still took forever with the buffs to the attackers, the paths were even slightly difficult.

Yet 3.1/3.2 were simple with east counter options .

With all the content that is pushed, we expect it not to take forever to complete monthly quests! You had this and danger ⚠️ in the same month.

If you call something by its level , Thronebreaker, it should be Thronebreaker level. This is clearly Paragon, or above (rewards should match the difficulty).

Bottom line: Please stop with the Tagtical charges and limited #team counter options … they are not fun and this is not story mode!


  • FurrymoosenFurrymoosen Member Posts: 5,502 ★★★★★
    edited April 2023
    I will agree that it was the worst EQ in a long time, if not the worst there has been since Cav EQ first launched. I don’t think it was necessarily too difficult, though my roster is quite expansive and I realize some players have to work harder to counter and benefit in the quest. There are 2 main problems I have.
    First, the copy and paste through the motions approach that lacks any and all creativity. There was nothing fresh about it except for new champs being put in quests that were not ideal and forced players to use champions that can’t benefit from the global nodes to counter them. It is not a matter of it being easier by having those champs in ideal quests, but the point of the globals is to reduce pain points and make it more enjoyable, and their willingness to slap champs into quests like a splatter paint art is a poor approach to making the content enjoyable.
    Second, not only were all the nodes copy and paste from long ago, but they literally chose (except for Mystic since it was fury and not dumb prowess passives) all of the worst global nodes that have been introduced and brought them all into the same EQ at once. I like a good challenge, but when everything has to be the most annoying global to play around or has the most champ-specific benefit it makes it far less enjoyable than it should or could be. Right now EQ is running on auto-pilot and it needs more attention than it is receiving.
  • RIBKAZZRIBKAZZ Member Posts: 7
    I struggled so much in 2.2 that i gave up on that quest and instead focused on 7.4 completion. Turns out 7.4 was easier (other than Superior Kang) than 2.2EQ.
  • Dose_rocksDose_rocks Member Posts: 29
    I agree the tactical aspect for it is wack! Makes it un fun to play unless your roster is 200% perfect
  • Justin2524Justin2524 Member Posts: 1,626 ★★★★
    I talked about it on the first day.. a bit late to the party are we?
  • SammyDeSammyDe Member Posts: 1,134 ★★★
    This is the first month I 100% TB EQ and second time I 100% Cav EQ. I think I spent between 25-35 revives overall. One lane in chapter 2 took 8 revives. I think I also used revives in Cav chapter 2 which to me seemed a bit hard.
    I am a below average Paragon player with 8.1 not completed, no CC done and stuck in Silver 2 or 3 this past couple of seasons. I did felt that although it took a lot more revives used than I would had liked, I felt like I had gotten a bit better at taking losses and slightly more confident at tackling tougher content (trying to find a positive here).
    Between this, danger room and arena, my thumbs are really sore. Hope next month won’t be this grindy.
  • DeaconDeacon Member Posts: 4,337 ★★★★★
    i don't know what this means but i haven't explored TB difficulty at all since it came. I used to fully explore all monthly quests but for some reason .. I'm just not interested in exploring TB. and it's not a difficulty thing. it's just not fun or interesting to me. it's more "work" than anything and that's not why I play games.
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