Need Stronger Punishment for Alliance War Modders

Docking alliances at the end of every season is not enough. There are alliances that are just fine with modding every season, being docked back a few tiers, collecting free rewards and doing it again. It is frustrating being in a P2 alliance and every season being paired into the same modding alliance, watching them climb to P1, then get docked to P3. The last 2 seasons we have faced an alliance doing this and they crush through the war phase with a handful of modders in each battlegroup, then their few legit players getting a few deaths.
If war modding was taken more seriously and had modders slammed with suspensions mid season, these alliances would end up with not enough players to even clear all the maps and start losing and have to play by the rules. Instead they are ruining the experience for 12 random legitimate alliances each season.
If war modding was taken more seriously and had modders slammed with suspensions mid season, these alliances would end up with not enough players to even clear all the maps and start losing and have to play by the rules. Instead they are ruining the experience for 12 random legitimate alliances each season.
We do only 1BG war but in tier 4. We faced the same modding alliance multiple times in multiple seasons. One season, that loss knock us from tier 3 back to tier 4. They get docked but we get nothing at the end of season.