House Of Dragons , H-o-D looking for a few paragon players

Were searching for a few members

We are an AQ map 6 and map 5 ally with AW G1/P4 tier 5/6 experience.

We are an alliance that:
* runs a mixture of AQ map 6 and map 5
* is in AW in gold 1; who are pushing for better rewards
* uses line app for communication
* doesn't allow freeloaders
* all members contribute
* is organized, with strong leadership/officer participation
* has a chat room that is suitable for work
* is friendly, social and chatty
* Is able to complete both AQ and AW at 100%
* Is competitive

Our requirements:
* 2m+ rating
* Paragon title
* 13k+ prestige rating
* adult player with work/family commitments
* very active; and can take any path
* people who have knowlege of the game and arent afraid to take chances
Add me on line by phone # 3162264272

Please drop me a line if you are interested.
Thanks for taking the time to read my posting


  • Dauntless_ShadowDauntless_Shadow Member Posts: 13
    We also pay you to play
    Our new rewards system will be paid out through cash app. It includes your death count in war, your rank ups, and percentage of the map taken. This will be paid in full at the end of the season as long as we hit plat rank.
    1st place= $250
    2nd place= $150
    3rd place= $100

    Remember the less times you die in war is a benefit so boost up. Your points for rank ups include the following.
    R3 6star= 2 points
    R4 6star= 4 points
    R5 is double

    (()dont forget to call out miniboss, and boss if you take one. Good luck hunting guys())
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