Incursions Bugs Aftermath (Bonus: New Bug I Haven't Seen Reported)

RohtagaRohtaga Member Posts: 53
Hello to all who read this. As we all know, the update caused some less than desired effects on the Side Quest Incursions. The refresh and hack duration bugs have been discussed at length, and fortunately, they were addressed to some extent. In addition, a new bug occurred this morning that affected a fellow member of my alliance. The announcement post clearly states that "Zones 1, 4, 8, 12, 16, 18, and 24 will have a Boss Buff node before the first fight," and my own experience with my Sector 6 run aligned with this. However, for my alliance mate, no boss buff node appeared in either Zone 16 or 18. This individual was unable to reach Zone 24, so it is unknown whether this bug affects this Zone as well, but it's probably a safe assumption.

But I want to discuss the aftermath of these bugs. The different bugs have prevented players from completing runs. They have caused a tremendous amount of backlash when combined with the frustration caused by the consumable changes. As such, a lot of people have been asking for compensation. In my opinion, however, compensation would not solve one of the big issues. My account did not need the r4 mats. It didn't need the six star shards, and while the AG was nice, I have two unused class gems and 2 generic gems sitting there waiting for me to feel like using them. I did the Sector 6 run for ONE reason, and that was the title. No amount of compensation will be able to make up for those who missed the title and wanted it. Unless of course Kabam handed out the title to everyone, which, I would imagine, would cause even more anger throughout the community.

As such, I wanted to present a solution. Bring the Danger Room Incursions back later. Run them alongside the normal incursions if you must, but take a look at everything and make certain it's functioning as intended. Make it available for 2 weeks, which is, I feel, a reasonable amount of time. Grab your data on which rewards people obtained so that data can be carried forward and ensure no double dipping. And to match the general item availability from this side quest, give everyone a one time gift of 8 each of l2, l3, and l4 revives. From where I sit, this would be the most equitable approach to compensate individuals for the bugs.

I'd love to hear the thoughts of others. Like I've already said, I got through my run. Outside of saved items, I bought 1 l2 and 2 l4s with units, so it was a quite inexpensive run. This isn't about me, I'm just trying to help give other affected Summoners an equal opportunity to achieve their goal.


  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,251 ★★★★★
    There were only 4 99-zone boss hacks.
    16, 20 and 24 had double normal boss hacks.
  • RohtagaRohtaga Member Posts: 53
    Yes, but they are not properly structured with one BEFORE the FIRST fight as stated
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