
Wolviedrone97Wolviedrone97 Member Posts: 187
I’m sure I can probably be merged with a thread but my question is wth? Why are you torturing your players? This side quest safe thing is irritating to say the least. Who’s idea was it and why didn’t you tell them heck no!


  • Wolviedrone97Wolviedrone97 Member Posts: 187
    I’m pretty dense so maybe someone can explain it?
  • abamabam Member Posts: 32
    This seems like kabams pathetic attempt to engage players into their broken game. Maybe hoping to bring some retired players out and join an alliance to help navigate this boring side event.
  • Tarheel1523Tarheel1523 Member Posts: 9
    You get the keys everyday in the monthly calendar, 2 keys to be exact, so you can run the side quest twice a day, or save the other keys for later. The first zone path with Hawkeye & Havok should give you shards and the safe. Use the code 3174 to open the safe. It will give you the key to access zone 2 of the side quest. The path starting with Ronan should give a partial cat and the safe to get the key for zone 3. We do not have the code for this safe yet.
  • MarvelSPMAN14MarvelSPMAN14 Member Posts: 175 ★★
    It’s complicated and I can’t even do it I’m stuck in zone 1 because Havok path didn’t give me a safe
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