The quick solution is to do the “havoc path” at level 4. You’ll get the vault (and the key) and you will be able to use it for on level 5 for the path 2. I’ve done it, but the fact is that I’ve lost 2 keys…
That is a good solution.
However, have we heard if there is a fix coming for exploration/ completed paths not being marked as done? It seems odd that if they’re one time rewards per path and the chests still showing that we need to remember where weve been or we lose a key.
Please add me to this list you guys are making of players who cannot get the vault. I have done threat level 5 3 times diff path each time and have not received a single sinister vault to enter code into. I have done the havok path 2500 6* shards no vault took wasp path got 5k green shards no vault took gambit path got 3700 T3 frags no vault. It is not in my inventory. Id rather avoid having to make a ticket if possible so I will cont to follow thread to see if a ticket needs to be done or not.
So..we won't get vaults to open new locks. It's missing from my inventory too!! Now there r no reward on any of the paths as well. What's going on? What am I missing?
However, have we heard if there is a fix coming for exploration/ completed paths not being marked as done? It seems odd that if they’re one time rewards per path and the chests still showing that we need to remember where weve been or we lose a key.
Now there r no reward on any of the paths as well. What's going on? What am I missing?