"Alliance War Brackets, Perhaps?"

Here's a thought that came to me, that I would like to share with Kabam and all the players of MCOC.
I was wondering if the game could introduce AW Brackets War. Here is how it would go:
1. Champions of 1, 2, and 3 stars fight against each other (nothing higher).
2. Champions of 4, 5, and 6 stars are in the next bracket (nothing higher).
I know what your thinking! What about the up and coming 7 stars? Where do they fit in?
Well at the moment, they don't. Once Kabam implements 8 and 9 stars their will be a bracket for them also. And in time, knowing Kabam, it won't take them to long to do it.
My reasoning for this suggestion is because, like so many players that have been in the game for a while, I have a few 1 stars, a bunch of 2 stars, and a ton of 3 stars that don't get any play, except for arenas here and there. It's suicide to use a 1, 2, 3, (and even 4 stars) in AW now a days.
I know Kabam wants to make money, and they still can and will, but with the way AW is set up now, it's like Goliath vs David. And this time Goliath has the gods of Kabam on his side.
Kabam can still hold on to Battle Grounds and also keep the all out madness the way AW is now, just add the Brackets AW as a secondary type of Alliance fighting.
What do you think? Is it a good idea? Would you as a player be for it or against it, and why?
I was wondering if the game could introduce AW Brackets War. Here is how it would go:
1. Champions of 1, 2, and 3 stars fight against each other (nothing higher).
2. Champions of 4, 5, and 6 stars are in the next bracket (nothing higher).
I know what your thinking! What about the up and coming 7 stars? Where do they fit in?
Well at the moment, they don't. Once Kabam implements 8 and 9 stars their will be a bracket for them also. And in time, knowing Kabam, it won't take them to long to do it.
My reasoning for this suggestion is because, like so many players that have been in the game for a while, I have a few 1 stars, a bunch of 2 stars, and a ton of 3 stars that don't get any play, except for arenas here and there. It's suicide to use a 1, 2, 3, (and even 4 stars) in AW now a days.
I know Kabam wants to make money, and they still can and will, but with the way AW is set up now, it's like Goliath vs David. And this time Goliath has the gods of Kabam on his side.
Kabam can still hold on to Battle Grounds and also keep the all out madness the way AW is now, just add the Brackets AW as a secondary type of Alliance fighting.
What do you think? Is it a good idea? Would you as a player be for it or against it, and why?