Bug of preventing me from using specials? Vertical Screen layout bug responsible?

Heruzu369Heruzu369 Member Posts: 148 ★★
I don’t usually record my fights so by the time I realized what was going on the fight was almost over. In a war fight, I was doing perfectly fine except for when I entered the fight my screen was rotated vertically and I had to unlock screen rotation and flip my phone to undo it for whatever reason(which has been happening quite frequently to me since last month update). Other than that the fight was going fine until I realized I couldn’t activate my specials, it would just block instead. I flipped my screen once again to see if that would help, by this time I started the recording. What you’ll see briefly in the clip provided is me “blocking” 5-6 times which is In reality me spamming the my sp3. I lost the fight as a result of this


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