Server-Side Lag is Haunting BGs

Spinning white circles
Auto-picked defenders
Different defenders picked even after you picked yours several seconds earlier
Timers freezing
Screens going blank
This game mode is nearly unplayable right now.
Is this being looked at by the game team?
Auto-picked defenders
Different defenders picked even after you picked yours several seconds earlier
Timers freezing
Screens going blank
This game mode is nearly unplayable right now.
Is this being looked at by the game team?
Post edited by Kabam Zibiit on
First match had normal draft, autopicked first round, and the remainder of BG was fine.
Second match hung up on match start loading screen so it resulted in autopicked draft, normal first round, autopicked second round, and finally the third round it froze at the round loading screen so that I only had 47 seconds left to play.
That second match I would have won that third round had I had the full amount of time, as my opponent got KO'd without taking much health off my defender.
This is costing me progress and energy.
Cost me the match. Fun game.