Juggernaut Bad Matchups

Hey summoners,
I would love to get a thread going of champions that are a bad matchup for juggernaut. With the lengthy descriptions of champions these days and so many new ones Im still relatively unfamiliar with how they work (looking at you Omega Sentinal) Id love to get a better idea of which champions place non damging debuffs on you. Specifically without you being hit, like angelas armor breaks from launching specials, or if you get debuffs from striking opponents.
Some cosmics that come to mind are CGR, knull, terrax, Vision Aarkus, Annhilus.
Which other champions that you know of shut down Juggernauts gem in the fight beyond your control?
Thank you
I would love to get a thread going of champions that are a bad matchup for juggernaut. With the lengthy descriptions of champions these days and so many new ones Im still relatively unfamiliar with how they work (looking at you Omega Sentinal) Id love to get a better idea of which champions place non damging debuffs on you. Specifically without you being hit, like angelas armor breaks from launching specials, or if you get debuffs from striking opponents.
Some cosmics that come to mind are CGR, knull, terrax, Vision Aarkus, Annhilus.
Which other champions that you know of shut down Juggernauts gem in the fight beyond your control?
Thank you
Aarkus is possible if jugg is awakened. You can nullify the power gain and then use staggers from then on
Captain marvel (movie) can cause armor break through block
Air walker giving dark tide debuff from sig, and armor break from using sp
Hercules can infuriate you buy back-dashing
Silver surfer using sp or heavy.
This you can prevent by nullifying his power cosmic buff, then keeping stagger up.
Super skrull will put falter debuff on you periodically
Once you move out from cosmic champs,
Many science champs are bad matchups because of their high-debuff utilization. Not to mention class disadvantage as well.
Nullify/fate seal/neutralize/slow can shut Juggs down as well