BG Quicksilver not working...shocking, right?

Darth_StewieDarth_Stewie Member Posts: 390 ★★★
edited April 2023 in Bugs and Known Issues
I dont know why I waste my time on this game mode. BG is where I typically have my biggest issues. My controls and everything work fine in EQ, arena, etc (currently). But BG is a hit or miss on controls. That's why I only play sporadically. I would play more....

Anyway, Quicksilver Slow didn't work against Thing. I got him to 300 charges but Thing still triggered his Unstoppable and whipped my rear.

I would kick and scream about there needing to be changes and things need fixed blah blah blah....but I'm just wasting my breath. Nothing will get changed and BG will be the same next season.

So glad I waste my time
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