Problems with Battlegrounds.. :(

Hello! Well the reason I'm doing this is because I've recently had some problems in a game mode. First the game shows me a dark screen. Then when I win a round, the game starts to hang and when the next round starts the game doesn't let me fight and leaves me on the screen that says "waiting for the opponent" but it never loads me and I have to wait for the enemy finish with my defender without me being able to do something against his. Finally, when waiting for the screen to load for the 3rd round (because it was obvious that I lost the 2nd) the game directly sends me to the screen saying that I lost as if I had abandoned the game in progress

It is not the first time it has happened. In past seasons I had a similar problem so I thought that something like this had already been corrected.


  • Unabonger97Unabonger97 Member Posts: 49
    Battlegrounds is a straight dumpster fire more bugs then u could count the fact kabam doesn't shut it down to fix it shows they could careless
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