Need an active TB or Paragon player for a G3 and AQ 5-5-4 alliance.

Need an active TB+ player for a chill alliance. We're currently on G3 , but with the help of another member good co-ordination, we can reach G2 easily. We also do AQ 5-5-4 .

1) Must be Thronebreaker or more.
2) Should be active .
3) Getting offline for more than two days without informing the officers will get you kicked.
4) Should have a good roaster , as the fights for AW demands it.

1) We're pretty chill , so we don't go after every mistake you make. We all are human , so mistakes happen .

2) You can be offline for as much days as you want , as long as you inform us first.

3) Although AW is must during on season , AQ isn't, and AW off season also isn't.

Contact :- We use discord for communication. Here are the IDs -
1) GreenToedCat#0237
2) Heartless_Grinch#9423
3) XtroN#4231

If you're interested, you can contact us. Or if you can't , you can simply join our Alliance. The tag is ' ulkr ' ( minus the apostrophes) .

Thank you . Have a pleasant day.
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