They said 2nd june and i don't have rocket's quest anymore it is gone... i am on android i can't join aq and yesterday i lost time for arena because i couldn't join the game
They said don't open it until 2nd june i was expecting a message from them yestarday about the bomb and telling us when to open it. But didn't get any... so i opened 20 minutes ago... well things happen' bye bye bomb and prizes
I'm not sure you can put this thread in the 'Bugs and known issues' category. Try the 'Silly Decisions' category Pretty certain you just leave the bomb to gather dust until rocket says otherwise
There is suppose to be an IG email to say something about the next step. It has not been pushed out yet.
Secondly, I just saw on Marvel Trucos, the description has been changed to after the event instead of 2 June. Now this is ...
They did change the date.
i believe they said specifically NOT to push the button. like ever.
Okeh...No push button you!
Do you understand now?