
Irritating character & AI abilities

I first want to say that I love this game I play it as much as I can and enjoy most if not all of the time when I play it. The only problem I run into is fighting two characters. Night crawler and Hyperion. Night crawler drives me crazy with his teleportation evades, I can hardly touch the guy especially the higher ranked Night crawler. It just feels like overkill but maybe I’m knit-picking, I just try and avoid facing him when possible. Hyperion is just a tank that blocks non stop and builds meter way too fast. I get it’s kind of his thing being a lame Superman knock off but come on! He’s a real pain in the neck to have to face later in the game, when you’re starting to get somewhere. One other minor problem I have is arena ranked rewards. It just doesn’t seem fair to have to compete with players who have a much more powerful character list. I wish there was a set point amount for ranked awards too. I’ve spent literally hours trying to get the top rewards and the best I can manage is mid level rankings. I still absolutely frickin love this game and you guys at Kabam have done an outstanding amazing job creating this game, and I truly appreciate all the hard work and dedication you’ve all spent for us players. Thank you very much!😆


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    imnooneimnoone Posts: 316 ★★
    NC -- he is a pain until you learn howto fight him .. there are multiple videos on him online ... what works for me is .. parry -> mid, light, light, mid .. only 4 hits .. or intercept and do mid mid and dash back ...
    Hyperion is real pain but once I started using my hawkeye on him, easy peasy ...

    For arena .. well, we all started where you're .. and we all faced what you're facing .. I remember days where I though I am grinding too much to put up 1.5 mil (thus reaching all milestones) but by doing that, I grew my roster up and I put 8 mil points for AA ... it's just matter of time if you consistently reach milestones and open crystals ..

    good luck mate
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